Let's End Hunger - Everywhere
This site is dedicated to ENDING HUNGER EVERYWHERE NOW! We'll present information and ideas for you to think about and ways for you to help as well as news about others who are fighting to end hunger around the world.
If you know of a local resource or a local effort to end hunger, think we've forgotten something or want to contribute, please email us at stockpot@morethansoup.org
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Second Harvest - The Nation's Food Bank Network
Working to End Hunger in Connecticut
Serve New England
Serve New England purchases its food from local growers, suppliers and wholesalers - just like the grocery stores. There is no government surplus food or "seconds". All food is purchased from the money paid by participants for food packages.
End Hunger Connecticut!
102 Hungerford Street, Hartford CT 06106, 860-560-2100, Fax: 860-560-2108, endhungerct@endhungerct.org, on the web at endhunger.org, Executive Director, Lucy Nolan, lucynolan@endhungerct.org
Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS): operates a Food Stamp outreach program in Connecticut, and works to reduce the effects of poverty and hunger in Connecticut's lower income communities. "CAHS works to ensure that all children and families have the resources and public policy support to become economically self-sufficient, and to ensure that those who cannot achieve self-sufficiency have access to basic needs, including nutrition, education, and health care."
Contact: Connecticut Association for Human Services - CAHS, 110 Bartholomew Avenue, Suite 4030, Hartford CT 06106, (860) 951-2212,
Fax: (860) 951-6511, Tracy Helin, thelin@cahs.org

Food Banks & Soup Kitchens
Connecticut Food Bank, PO Box 8686, 150 Bradley Street, East Haven CT 06531, 203-469-5000, postmaster@ctfoodbank.org, on the web at ctfoodbank.org
Fairfield Warehouse, 74 Linwood Avenue, Fairfield CT 06430, 203-256-1935
Waterbury Warehouse, 56 Eagle St., Waterbury CT 06708, 203-759-1919
Executive Director: Nancy Carrington
Table to Table, Catholic Charities of Fairfield County,
30 Myano Lane, Suite 10, Stamford CT 06902, 203-323-3211, Fax: 203-323-1108
Executive Director: Mary Ryan
Foodshare, Inc., 450 Woodland Avenue, Bloomfield CT 06002, Phone: 860-286-9999, Fax: 860-286-7860, on the web at foodshare.org
Executive Director: Gloria McAdam
Covenant Soup Kitchen, at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, 220 Valley Street, Willimantic, Connecticut 06226, 860-423-1643, on the web at covenantsoupkitchen.org
Programs include the Covenant Soup Kitchen, the "Client Choice" Emergency Food Pantry, Sunday Bag Lunch, Serve New England Program, and Care and Advocacy programs. All depend on donations, volunteers, and community support.
The Shoreline Soup Kitchens
The Shoreline Soup Kitchens, PO Box 804, Essex Connecticut, USA 06426, 860.388.1988, pdowling@shorelinesoupkitchens.org and on the web at shorelinesoupkitchens.org
Provides almost 250,000 "meals" a year at grocery distribution sites and over 10,000 meals at meal sites. Services are free and open to all those who identify themselves to be in need of food or fellowship.
Community Soup Kitchen, 200 Addison Rd., PO Box 809, Windsor CT 06095-0809, Phone: 860-688-6500, Fax: 860-688-2776, on the web at fsumc.org/community/csk/
Christ Church Episcopal, 84 Broadway, New Haven CT, 203-624-4594
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen
Center Church Parish House, Temple Street, New Haven, CT 06511, 203-624-6426
DESK serves evening meals seven nights a week and provides emergency bags of food to the working poor and the homeless.
St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen, on the web at http://members.aol.com/hasmiknana/sk.htm
St. Vincent DePaul Society Mariman Culinary School/Soup Kitchen , 327 Baldwin Street, Waterbury, CT 06706, 203-757-0411, st.vincent.depaul@snet.net. Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8 AM to 2:30 PM.
Food Assistance in Bridgeport Connecticut
- Interfaith Hunger Services (IHS) has 30 emergency food sites around the city. For more information, please call 203-384-9471
- Dunbar School /Ralphola Taylor Community Center /YMCA Family Resource Center, Emergency Food Pantry, 790 Central Avenue, 203-332-5658
- King's Pantry (IHS Site), 30 Florence Street, 203-576-0522, 9:30 AM-NOON, Friday
- St. Luke's Episcopal Food Center (IHS Site), 510 Wilmot Avenue, 203-367-4049, Pantry Open 9 AM - 2 PM, Monday - Thursday, Hot Meals served 5 PM - 6 PM, Wednesday
- East End Tabernacle Baptist Church Soup Kitchen, 548 Central Avenue, 203-333-3036, Meal served 5 PM - 6 PM, Monday
- Prayer Tabernacle Church Soup Kitchen, 1243 Stratford Avenue, 203-366-5824, Meal served 11:30 AM - 1 PM, Saturday
- Russell Temple CME, 555 Connecticut Avenue, 203-333-9061, Meal served 5 PM - 6 PM, Friday
- WIC at Ralphola Taylor Community Center YMCA, 790 Central Avenue, 203-576-7430,
To make an appointment call the Bridgeport Health Department at 203-576-8072

